Abuse more a risk in non traditional families
According to a study about Uncontrolled Aggression
An Angry Heart Can Lead to Sudden Death
Anger and Breathing - from The Cardia Study
Anger and Related Emotions
Anger Control is Key to Recovery
Anger - Heartbreaking at Any Age
Anger Hostility and Depressive Symptoms Linked to High C-Reactive Protein Levels
Anger Induced Heart Wave Changes Predict Future Ventricular Arrythmias
Anger Perceived Stress and Mental Health in Middle Aged Women
Anger Problem Behaviors and Health Status in Adolescent Women
Brain Scans Show Bullies Enjoy Others Pain
Can Omega 3 Fatty Acids Help Anger and Depression
Depressed and Angry? Your Heart May Suffer as a Result
Depression Perceived Stress Fatigue and Anger in Clinical Nurses
Desk Rage Spoils Workplace for Many Americans
Domestic Violence Brochure from APA
"Feeling" Our Way out of the Recession
Giving the Finger - This Hurts Me More Than it does You
Hostility and Coronary Artery Calcification
Nonspecific Factors and the Efficacy of Psychosocial Treatments for Anger
Positive and Negative Outcomes of Anger in Early Alolescents
Prediction on the Negative Outcomes of Anger in Female Adolescents
Smokers Need Anger Help to Quit
State Trait Anger Expression Inventory
This is Your Brain On Violent Media
The Type A Personality - Hostility is the Only Significant Risk Factor